Harbourlife 2018
Illustration / Animation | Client: Fuzzy Events

Harbourlife is Sydney’s biggest annual  house music event, arguably at the peak of Sydney’s outdoor venues: Mrs. Macquarie’s Point, facing Sydney Harbour.

THE BRIEF: Create the master artwork for Harbourlife 2018. Appeal to both existing and new patrons. Keep it nautical themed.

THE EXECUTION: This had been my 3rd Harbourlife commission so I was quite familiar with the general look and feel.

I wanted to draw new punters in but also give a slight nod to old punters as well. So I thought of the most noticeable or recognizable feature of Harbourlife’s festival: the huge columns of delay towers with nautical flag designed, which I had also helped put together. The artwork celebrates these huge delay towers, which without them, would not let the deep house happen!
The master artwork was rolled out into all social formats, several environmental OOH designs and small print.

Photos: Anna Warr




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