Jonathan Haidt 2019 “Moral Psychology in an Age of Outrage” AU/NZ Tour

Design / Animation / Illustration | Client: Think Inc

Jonathan Haidt is an American social psychologist and the professor of Ethical Leadership at NYU’s Stern School of Business. I first learnt about Jonathan Haidt from a few Joe Rogan Youtube rabbit holes I had gone down in stupidly early mornings. Jonathan Haidt is a champion of rational discourse, which is very much aligned with the client (Think Inc’s) values and touring mission.

THE BRIEF:  Create master artwork and animate a tour trailer for “Moral Psychology in an Age of Outrage”, Jonathan Haidt’s debut AU/NZ tour. Reference Jonathan’s accolades, media appearances and also his position on various ideas of rational discourse.

THE EXECUTION: I’m a bit of a stickler for rational discourse – especially with access to an overwhelming amount of information…it’s super important to ground yourself and not believe or become outraged over everything too hastily.

With the master artwork – I wanted to show outrage, I wanted to show emotion, I wanted to capture what Jonathan Haidt described as the virtue signalling outrage and pain that people go through in order to gain social currency. The open heads and tears signify an overwhelming sense of outrage connected to our thoughts, but intertwining and boosted by similar thoughts i.e an echo chamber.  The animated trailers are light and to the point – using retro gaming imagery to appeal to the target demographic.


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